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  • Writer's picture Bounce Tee

Bouncetees - Stitch Dunkin’ Donuts nope not today shirt

As if the Stitch Dunkin’ Donuts nope not today shirt What’s more,I will buy this hair-fixing moment weren’t swoony enough, Ahmed and Mirza have an equally adorable meet-cute story. The two met at the same table in a coffee shop; as Ahmed recalled on The Tonight Show, “We were both jostling over the same laptop plug points.” I find that interesting because the only thing my laptop-charger jostling has ever led to is a tense, silent standoff with a stranger whom I then felt too awkward to ask to watch my laptop when I went to buy a muffin.

Bouncetees - Stitch Dunkin’ Donuts nope not today shirt
Bouncetees - Stitch Dunkin’ Donuts nope not today shirt

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