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Bouncetees - Team oxford comma grammar books design shirt

There’s really no logical reason for me to have freaked about feeling sick earlier this week; after all, I’m fully vaccinated, and the Team oxford comma grammar books design shirt What’s more,I will buy this odds that I’ll be one of the very few people who get COVID post-inoculation are about 0.5%. A quick check of New York’s pollen count, plus a scroll through a Twitter feed full of people complaining about their allergies, made me intellectually sure I didn’t have any health issue that over-the-counter allergy meds wouldn’t solve. Still, as I gradually felt worse, my fear grew in direct proportion to its own irrationality. What if, somehow, I was in that 0.5%? I know COVID-related health anxiety is real, but like any anxiety, when it’s actually happening to you, it just feels…real and genuinely scary.

Bouncetees - Team oxford comma grammar books design shirt
Bouncetees - Team oxford comma grammar books design shirt

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